What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
2015 was a great year for me and Onyx. The icing on the cake was our unanimous win at U.S. Nationals. That is a moment I will always cherish!
Unanimous U.S. National Champion Western Pl. AAOTR 19-35
Canadian National Res. Champion Western Pl. AAOTR 19-39
U.S. National Top Ten H/A Western Pl. AAOTR 19-35
Canadian National Top Ten H/A Western Pl. AAOTR 19-39
Region 11 Champion Western Pl. AATR
Region 11 Champion Western Pl. AOTR 19-44
Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
I’ve been influenced by so many people in the industry, it would be impossible to name them all. That’s the great thing about our industry – the incredible people and network of support that they provide. The biggest influence, at least in recent years, is my husband, J.T. Keller. He’s encouraged me to show when I’m doubtful about entering the ring, allowed me to learn with my horses on my own, pushed me farther when I needed it and most importantly, has allowed be to enjoy just being with my horses.
If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
I’m sure that depends on who you ask – husband, friends, co-workers! I hope all of my friends and acquaintances in the Arabian horse industry would describe me as a very dedicated horsewoman.
Name one show ring quirk you have:
I like to put myself on “time out” before I get ready for a class. I need the quiet time to refocus all of my thoughts and energy into my ride. The bigger the class, the more time I need. I’ll often “disappear” the night before my class at Nationals.