1.) What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
My horses and I were both new to the hunter and showhack divisions and I loved making that journey with them. My first time showing Tinkerbelle WF we placed first and then returned to be crowned champion at Buckeye. Admiral’s Firefly was really my baby and, even though we did not place in our final at Youth Nationals, I was incredibly proud of all we had accomplished together. She was truly a rewarding challenge and she taught me so much about showmanship and being a good horse person. Overall, I could not have been happier with my 2015 show season from its beginning to the end with all the progress my horses and I have made together.
2.) Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
My mother has been my biggest influence in getting where I am in the Arabian breed. She has always been there to encourage me to ride my best since I can remember. She has spent so many hours driving me to ride on weekends and after school practices.
3.) If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
They would say I’m hungry all the time, loyal, friendly, and will surprise people with my sense of humor. My roommate says I am reserved but I have a quirky, fun personality once I open up.
4.) Name one show ring quirk you have:
I like to make victory passes with stuffed animals from The Hat Lady! One time I had to catch one when it bounced out of my saddle.