1). The highlight of my year would have to have been showing Maybelline WA in the SSS Auction Yearling Filly class. She was Reserve in this class, which was of course an honour, but not actually what makes it a highlight for me. Having the opportunity to work with and handle a filly like “Maybel” is the highlight for me. She is 6th generation of our breeding, sired by my favourite (and our own) stallion, Mariachi WA, and out of Isabella WA. This filly, for me, is as close to perfect as it gets. So for me, getting to take her in the ring, and getting to show people a horse I was immensely proud of, would definitely be a highlight in 2015. I have to thank one of my best friends for the past 13 years, Lucho Guimaraes, as he is the one that trained “Maybel”, and made it so I looked like I knew what I was doing… Thank you Lucho.
2) Without a doubt this would be my parents. Our farm was started in 1966 by my grandparents, so I am the 3rd generation of our farm. My parents are undoubtedly the hardest working people I have ever known, they still to this day get up between 5-6am 365 days a year to go out and look after the horses. They have shown me what hard work is all about, and the animals always come first. Our horses have always been looked after by us personally, there has been very few days in my entire life that either of my parents, or myself have been off the farm at the same time, one of us is always there to make sure the horses are looked after. I remember growing up talking about horses and pedigrees with my dad, Ed, he is like an encyclopedia when it comes to pedigrees, telling me what horses for generations back had to offer, and what faults they had that we would like to avoid, I assure you I would have done much better in history class if it was about the history of our Arabian horse. Without the knowledge my parents passed on to me, I most certainly would not be where I am today… But more importantly for me, the love and kindness towards the horses themselves, the horses health, safety, and needs always have come first, no matter what we would like, if it’s not best for them, it doesn’t happen. This is the most important piece of our farm I am proud to carry on with.
3) I was really and truly unable to answer this question on my own, so I asked someone to answer it for me and this is what she wrote…
“She is one of the most honest people I have ever met , sometimes to a fault. If you ask for her opinion or advice you will get the truth whether it’s what you want to hear or not. She has integrity second to none. Her knowledge and passion for the Arabian horse is amazing. She is a conscientious ethical person in all facets of animal husbandry and every animal that comes into her care is guaranteed a wonderful life. She is breathtakingly beautiful, though she is so modest and humble you will never convince her of that. She is strong and independent and has the ability to directly yet tactfully stand up for what she believes in. She is a great asset to the Arabian horse community and industry as well as to the animal world as a whole and a fiercely loyal friend to those lucky enough to earn her trust.”
4) I hate being on the rail. wether it’s in a performance class or a halter class, I despise being put up against the rail. For some reason it makes me feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable.