1.) What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
2015 was such an amazing year. Starting with winning the half Arabian Hunter junior horse at Scottsdale and then multiple regional wins and national top tens, it was a dream come true. However the most successful moments for me were those when the amateurs, whose horses I had trained, were successful. It was so wonderful to see the horses and riders come together and not only win regional competitions but receive multiple top ten at US Nationals.
2.) Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
Margaret Rich has been the most influential person in the Arabian breed for me. She not only taught me how to ride at a young age but to respect, appreciate and love the Arabian horse. She encouraged me to go to tennesse and work for the kiesners and to follow my dreams and make my passion my profession. Without her I never could have imagined I could be where I am today.
3.) If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
I would hope that people would describe me as patient and forgiving. I feel like no matter what life hands you both professionally and personally, being patient and forgiving are the most rewarding qualities to have.
4.) Name one show ring quirk you have:
As strange as it may sound I talk to my horses while in the show ring. I find it keeps both myself and the horse more cool, calm and focused.