1.) What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
Highlights of my 2015 show season would have to include going Reserve National Champion in HA Hunt Seat Eq and Reserve National Champion HA Hunter Hack with FF Irish Vodka, Reserve National Champion Sporthorse Showhack with SRC Phoenix Rising, Region 14 Hunt Seat Eq Champion with FF Irish Vodka, and Region 12 Reserve Champion Hunt Seat Eq with MAF The Watchman. And the best part about all of these accomplishments is that all of the horses shown in those classes were catch rides for me and we’re not my horses. I was so honored to have the opportunity to ride amazing horses and have them take me to the winners circle.
2.) Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
I started riding at Vicki Humphrey Training Center when I was five years old and had started showing in the Walk-Trot Division. Vicki was always so encouraging. She pushed me to expand my abilities and has made possible, many opportunities for me to do so. She has always supported me in the many different disciplines you can compete in within the Arabian breed. I admire and respect Vicki very much and enjoy being able to spend time with her around the horses. Over the years, Vicki has trained and shown some of the most fantastic Arabian horses in the country. To have her share her time and experience with me, is an opportunity I feel privileged to have.
3.) If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
She’s tall…smiles a lot…likes trucks…loves to ride! Whether on a hunter going over fences, in the dressage ring riding a test, or showing sidesaddle, Showhack, English Pleasure, Costume, or Saddle Seat Equitation, she’s always eager to show whatever whenever. Very versatile and hardworking.
4.) Name one show ring quirk you have:
If you look at any of my over fences pictures, I will most likely be biting my bottom lip. Everyone always tells me that one day I’m just gonna bite it off.