1.) What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
national champion 1/2 arab aepa futurity
reserve national champion 1/2 arab country maturity
top ten pb country maturity
top ten 1/2 arab country 19-35
top ten pb country futurity
top ten 1/2 arab show hack aaotr
top ten 1/2 arab hunter 19-35
national champion youth 1/2 arab hunter 14-17
top ten pb walk trot saddle seat euqitation
2.) Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
Jim Fisher was my 1st influence. At age 10, I attended a clinic that he put on and I was hooked. I worked for him right out of high school. He taught me work ethic, professionalism, organizing and most important how to be humble. Jim and Peter Stachowski have developed me into the trainer I am today. Peter taught me patience and horsemanship and Jim pushes you to do more than you ever thought you could achieve. I am forever grateful!
3.) If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
hard working, honest, devoted to my amateur riders .
4.) Name one show ring quirk you have:
I don’t really have any. I don’t get nervous. I guess I don’t like to be rushed but I have learned to take things in stride because you can’t control everything!