1.) What are some of the highlights and successful moments in the 2015 show season for you?
Some of the best moments of 2015 for me have been purchasing and training Don Vinito for the Millers and then going National Champion in the Purebred Western Pleasure Futurity. Another great moment was going Top Ten at Nationals in the Purebred Western Pleasure Open with Holdin Aces, owned and bred by Rob and Joelle Wright. This was his first year in the bridle as a 6 year old and to go top ten with that quality of horses in the arena was awesome. I also went Reserve National Champion in the Half Arab Western Pleasure Junior Horse with Vangelista, also owned by Rob and Joelle Wright. It was a great year.
2.) Who has been your biggest influence in the Arabian breed in getting you to where you are today?
My biggest influence has been my dad. He really taught me how to treat horses well and train with quality. Another great influence for me is Stan White Sr. He is someone I really look up to in this industry. All of the trainers in this industry have really influenced me to keep strive to be a better trainer, a better horseman and stay sharp. We have some great trainers in the Arabian world.
3.) If someone were to describe you, what would they say about you?
If someone were to describe me I think they would say that I still really enjoy the horses and the challenge of training arabians. I also enjoy teaching young kids how to ride and helping them grow and succeed in the show arena.
4.) Name one show ring quirk you have:
My quirk I would have to say is having a matching pad and shirt for each horse. I keep the same shirt for each individual horse through its show career with me and once that horse stops showing with me I retire that shirt. It’s a kind of tradition for me.