NOTE: Your username is your AHA membership number, and password is your birth year (example: username is 1234567, password 1982).You can check whether you have a current membership at this link. This information is supplied by the Arabian Horse Association, so if you are having trouble logging in please confirm that this information is correct within your AHA account.
Here are some common login issues that may apply to you:
Not having an active AHA membership with APAHA selected as your club. Please confirm with AHA your membership for both is active and send the confirmation to us at [email protected]. We will then be able to confirm your membership and allow you to vote.
Although very few, some current members supplied to us via AHA were missing a proper birthdate. If you are showing as a current member via the membership lookup link above, but cannot log in successfully, enter “nan” as your password, all lowercase without the quotations.
Still can’t sign in? If you have confirmed your membership with AHA, please send the confirmation to us at [email protected]. We will then be able to confirm your membership and allow you to vote.